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    Your Email (required)


    Contact Phone

    Contact Phone 2



    What emergency situation is this family facing that qualifies them for "12 Days of Caring?" (Please specify necessity for the holiday season, i.e. furnace, car repair, etc.):

    Please complete one box per family member

    You must be specific, especially the information regarding your children. Each box must be completely filled in! Also indicate any items that are particularly needed such as snow boots, snow pants, winter coat, etc. Please be as specific in specifying clothing and shoe sizes.

    Father or Dependent:


    Mother or Dependent:








    Please be advised that there is not a guarantee your family will be adopted until you are notified by The Salvation Army. Adoption is dependent upon the availability of sponsors. Families may be adopted only ONCE through the “12 Days of Caring” 2014 program.




    You helped us make this a very special holiday season for deserving Alaskan families.

    At Kendall Auto Group, we are committed to making the communities we work, live and raise our families in safer, healthier, and more giving. This year we wanted to make this a very special holiday for a number of Alaskan families. That’s why we partnered with the Salvation Army in presenting Kendall’s 12 Days of Caring. In order to accomplish our goal of helping Alaskan families this season, we asked for your help. We needed deserving Alaskan families who are feeling an economical pinch to apply for the program, or you could nominate a deserving Alaskan family, so they could experience a truly great holiday season. And you came through; here is a list of the people we are giving back to this holiday season:

    • Day 1 The first family is a mom with two adult daughters and 2 grandchildren ages 17 and 9 living with her. One of her daughters suffered a head trauma. They are in need of winter gear for the family .
    • Day 2 Small family that a grandchild age 13 was placed with them. Their winter gear was stolen. They are going to get winter gear and some furniture
    • Day 3 Military Family with 2 boys and a newborn getting them winter gear for the family and their first winter in Alaska.
    • Day 4 Lower Income family with 2 boys and a teenage girl getting assistance with utilities and car insurance
    • Day 5 Mom who is working her way through school 2 young girls and a teenage son is getting insurance assistance
    • Day 6 Family on Disability with 2 daughters is getting car brakes and alignment
    • Day 7 Single mom with a newborn is getting car battery, wind shield wipers, and a fixed broken car door
    • Day 8 Lower income family with 2 sons is getting assistance with gifts and car maintenance
    • Day 9 Single Mom with 2 sons is getting a car alignment and assorted gifts for children
    • Day 10 Single mom who recently got into an accident. The accident led to the doctors discovering that she had cancer. She received a baby crib for her 5 month old son.
    • Day 11 Somali immigrant single father received Christmas gifts and food for his 3 teenage children.
    • Day 12 Grandma raising a 6 year old grandson on Social Security will be blessed with cleaned carpets and toys this Christmas.

    Happy holidays!