We Are All In This Together
As a family owned business that has been serving this great community for more than 80 years, we know firsthand the importance of supporting each other. Amy Newport, Kendall Auto Oregon Community Outreach and Employee Engagement Director, created the Supporting Lane County Restaurants, Wineries, Distilleries, and Breweries Facebook Group Page, and the 30 Day Challenge for our community called: Take Out & Pay It Forward.
The challenge was started on Facebook on March 18th to support Lane County RESTAURANTS, BREWERIES, WINERIES, and DISTILLERIES that have all been deeply affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Governor Kate Brown restricted all Oregon bars and restaurants to take out and delivery only with no on-site consumption in an effort to fight the spread of Coronavirus. While we can’t do anything to change their circumstances or restrictions, we CAN still support them while maintaining social distancing.

Here’s the 30 Day Challenge Details:
SUPPORT A LOCAL restaurant, brewery, winery or distillery with a take out order for yourself AND at the same time…
PAY IT FORWARD and place a take out order for a friend, family member, neighbor, colleague, senior citizen, healthcare employee or other community member in need and drop the meal or beverage at their door (OR PAY IT FORWARD and purchase a gift card/gift certificate from the business).
The idea being that the chain of paying it forward with take out meals & local restaurant, brewery, winery, and distillery support would continue over the next 30 days (and hopefully beyond), supporting local businesses and spreading kindness through our amazing community during this challenging time.