When we said this community was peanut butter together, we meant it! In just one month, this Central Oregon community raised over $30,000 to go toward the purchase of peanut butter benefitting NeighborImpact Food Bank. This incredible amount was met with employee donations from casual for a cause Fridays, customer donations under each rooftop, and the donation of a case of PB with each vehicle sold in June.
Kendall Central Oregon is in the process of ordering more PB with the amount raised, but NeighborImpact has already received over 17,000 pounds of Peanut Butter between Kendall and Newport Market. Not only did Newport Market provide peanut butter to us at cost, but they also hosted the drive in their store as well. With customer donations in their store, they were able to donate an additional 8 palettes of peanut butter in addition to the efforts at the Kendall dealerships. Erickson’s Thriftway in Prineville was also a partner in the drive, and we are waiting for their final tally as well!
NeighborImpact Food Bank will stock their food banks with the Peanut Butter and offer it to the students in summer lunch programs at local schools. Because of your efforts in supporting the drive, our community will be fueled by peanut butter for the rest of the year!
On behalf of the Kendall Central Oregon team, THANK YOU!