Help Your Community

As a family-owned business, we know firsthand the importance of buying, living and being local. Through responsible business practices, we strive to be good stewards of our community and value giving back.

Kendall and its employees are proud to support the communities we serve. Kendall Cares is designed to give back through various partnerships and initiatives throughout the year. As your hometown dealer, we want you to know that community support is a cornerstone of our business. Browse our guidelines below to see how we can help.

    Organization Name (required)

    Organization Website (required)

    Mission Statement / Purpose (required)

    Contact First Name (required)

    Contact Last Name (required)

    Contact Email (required)

    Phone Number


    City (required)

    State (required)


    How Did you Hear About Kendall Cares?

    Are you currently a Kendall employee? (required)

    Yes, I am a Kendall employeeNo, I am not a Kendall employee

    Were you referred by a Kendall employee? (required)

    Yes, I was referred by a Kendall employeeNo, I was not referred by a Kendall employee

    If you answered "Yes" above, please give the name of the employee who referred you:

    Donation Category

    If Other

    Brief Summary of Proposed Use of Funds (required)

    Brief Summary of Benefits for Funds Donated (required)

    Amount Requested
    Please note that Kendall provides an average of $100-2,500 per accepted sponsorship proposal.


    Date of Event
    For all applications received eight (8) weeks prior to start date, we strive to meet the “Response Needed By” date. If applications are received after this time period, we cannot guarantee that a response will be given by the requested date.

    Estimated Attendance

    Response Needed By

    Upload a File


    Our Kendall Cares philanthropy focus is on: children, families, education and organizations that help support the health and well-being of our communities and those most vulnerable. At Kendall we want to be able to fully commit to supporting the causes that align with our Kendall Cares mission and who are doing great work within our community. While we would love to be able to be involved with each of the amazing organizations that submit, we do look for an alignment of mission and how we can be an active, valuable partner for your organization.

    • Although proposals are accepted year-round, please submit eight (8) weeks prior to the start date of your project or event.
    • Please fill out the proposal form below, including but not limited to:
      • Organization name
      • Mission and purpose of your organization
      • Contact name
      • Mailing address
      • Contact phone number
      • Contact e-mail address
      • Tax ID number
      • Estimated attendance (event)
    • Areas to address in proposal details:
      • Describe the project/event for which you are requesting funds and the number of people it will benefit
      • If requesting sponsorship funds, please note that the average range of sponsorships Kendall provides is $100-2,500
      • List any Kendall employees who are involved with your organization and in what capacity
      • Describe how Kendall will be recognized for donated funds

    Please note that as a company we want to support organizations that align with out Kendall Cares mission. We value partnerships with our community organizations and internally strive to creatively help mission aligned causes, even when a financial commitment is not feasible. Get ready to have some fun with us!

    • Areas we do not fund:
      • Political initiatives
      • Religious events
      • Individual requests


    • A member of our Kendall Cares Community Relations Team will contact you within 7-10 business days of receiving your application to give you a timeline in which your application will be reviewed.
    • Additional questions may be asked at this time or in the future to further understand the request.
    • For all applications received eight (8) weeks prior to start date, we strive to meet the “Response Needed By” date. If applications are received after this time period, we cannot guarantee that a final answer will be received by the requested date.
    • If you have further questions or would like to follow up on the status of your application, please contact the Community Relations Team member from whom you received your initial email and timeline from.