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The Marysville Rotary Auction is an annual event that showcases the generosity and community spirit of Marysville. This year’s event is scheduled for November 3rd, and the theme is The Oscars, which promises to be a night of glitz and glamour for attendees. The auction is a fantastic opportunity to give back to the community while also enjoying a fun-filled evening with friends and family.

The Marysville Rotary Auction is an essential fundraiser for the Marysville Rotary Club, which supports a range of community initiatives throughout the year. The funds raised from the auction go towards local projects such as scholarships for students, educational programs, and community service projects. By attending the auction, you can make a significant contribution to the community while also enjoying a wonderful evening of entertainment.

The Oscars theme for this year’s auction promises to be a highlight of the event, with attendees encouraged to dress up in their finest evening wear. The auction will feature a range of exciting items up for bid, including vacations, sports memorabilia, and unique experiences. Whether you’re looking to bid on a one-of-a-kind item or simply enjoy the company of fellow community members, the Marysville Rotary Auction is an event not to be missed.

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